Addressing critical challenges like water scarcity as part of #BuildingBharat involves strengthening local governance and empowering communities to lead their own development. The renovation of a long-neglected check dam in a remote village is a shining example of how grassroots efforts, combined with effective fund utilization and collaboration, can lead to sustainable solutions that transform lives and livelihoods.
During Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), we identified a critical issue: a dam constructed with the support of PHED in 2003 functioned effectively for five years. However, due to heavy rainfall and overflowing, one side of the dam was damaged. Since then, water has not been retained in the stream. This has led to a decline in the water table, causing severe water scarcity in the area. Currently, water levels have gone as deep as 800 feet, forcing villagers to rely on water tankers from neighboring villages for daily needs.
Strengthening Panchayat Administration
The Sarpanch and GRS lacked adequate knowledge on fund utilization. They expressed the need for an easy-to-understand tool to manage funds for future projects. I introduced them to the 15th Finance Commission and the Tied Fund, encouraging them to utilize these resources for renovating the dam.

To address the issue, I facilitated a meeting with the Engineer, PRIs, and Secretary to plan the renovation process and fund allocation. The Executive Engineer completed an evaluation of Rs. 49,000. The total estimated cost after renovation was approximately Rs. 1 lakh. The remaining funds were approved by the District Panchayat after technical sanction and monitoring during the work.
After the renovation, the water-holding capacity of the dam increased by 3 kilometers. During the upcoming monsoon, this will recharge the aquifer and facilitate rainwater conservation, addressing the water scarcity issue effectively.

Impact on People and Farmers
The renovation of the check dam stands as a testament to the power of empowered governance and collective action in Building Bharat. By strengthening Panchayat administration, leveraging financial resources effectively, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders, the project has revived a critical water resource, ensuring water security for over 500 farmers and seven villages.