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July 26, 2024 | Benison

Wisdom in the Small: Lessons from Nature's Humble Creatures

Throughout nature, there are many small creatures that, despite their size, demonstrate remarkable wisdom and ingenuity. These creatures—ants, conies, locusts, and spiders—each exemplify unique qualities that teach us valuable lessons about preparation, resilience, organization, and perseverance. Their behaviors provide profound insights into the power of collective effort, the importance of building secure foundations, the effectiveness of unified action, and the impact of persistence.

Four things which are little upon the Earth but are exceeding wise:

  • The Ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the Summer.
  • he Conies are but a feeble folk yet make they their Houses in the Rocks.
  • The Locusts have no King yet go they forth all of them by Bands.
  • The Spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in the Kings palaces.


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