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March 28, 2024 | Piramal Foundation

Aarti’s journey from a fellow to a program leader

Aarti Chutake, a former Karuna fellow from Batch 2, shares her journey of transformation through the fellowship, which provided hope and opportunities amidst challenges. From virtual field support to working at DIET, she overcame obstacles with determination, earning recognition from stakeholders. Her experience includes meeting influential figures like Chairman Ajay Piramal and CEO Aditya Nataraj, inspiring her further. Working as a consultant with PF, post-fellowship, she facilitated sessions and shared knowledge with Karuna fellows, fostering connections across diverse backgrounds. Now, stepping into a program leader role, Aarti is poised to continue her impactful journey within the team.

“Karuna Fellowship is the thread that transformed darkness into light. Today, I stand grateful and proud, a testament to the transformative power of this fellowship. It's not just a chapter in my life; it's the turning point that shaped my success. Wherever I go, whatever I achieve, I carry gratitude for my Karuna Fellowship.”

-Aarti Chutake


Karuna Fellowship